E-Waste Awareness

What is e-waste and how is it created?

Discarded electronic devices and their parts are termed as e-waste. These comprise of products like mobile phones, air conditioners and televisions as well as their parts. E-waste also includes electronics destined for reuse, resale, salvage or recycling. With the use of technology increasing everyday, the amount of e-waste is also increasing at a high rate.


Why is it harmful?

Electronic waste is growing at an alarming rate with most of the waste being hazardous if not dumped in a proper way. Hazardous materials include metallic contaminants such as lead, cadmium, and beryllium and brominated flame-retardants. These chemicals enter our biological and ecological spheres resulting in deadly consequences. In a country like India, where pollution is a major concern and recycling practices are poor, e-waste causes many environmental problems. Hence, there is a dire need to raise awareness regarding the same as per the E-waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2016, passed by the Ministry of Environment and Forests.


  • Electronic waste must be deposited at an authorized collection center for proper recycling.
  • Try sharing knowledge on e-waste hazards with others.
  • Ask retailers about the ‘take back’ schemes.
  • Try to get the product repaired before deciding to discard it.
  • Donate the products that are in working condition.


    • Do not dump the waste in household bins, municipal bins or in municipal waste streams.
    • Avoid selling your product to a trash dealer or kabbadiwala.
    • Do not dismantle or open the electronic product on your own.
    • Do not dump the waste in household bins, municipal bins or in municipal waste streams.
